PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, made the following remarks at the start of the Cabinet meeting: "Israel is a nation of law. Whoever violates the law will be punished severely. We will not tolerate disturbances and...

The Next President’s Mideast Mess

Under normal circumstances, this combination of tensions would long ago have made America and Israel bitter antagonists, if not outright enemies. But these two democracies—one, the world’s oldest; the other, its most boisterous—share remarkably...

ISIS: Portrait of a Jihadi Terrorist Organization

Objectives 1. This study examines the nature of the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), an Islamic Salafist-jihadi terrorist organization founded a decade ago as a branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. It established...

The Case Against the International Criminal Court Investigating Israel

In 2012, my friend and colleague, Luis Moreno Ocampo who was then the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court ruled correctly that "Palestine could not be recognized as a 'State'". He now appears...

An American about face, into the arms of Iran

Recently I was asked for my take on leaked information suggesting that European officials complained in closed meetings that the U.S. was conceding to Iran on nuclear demands in efforts to establish Iran as...
U.S. President Barack Obama talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during a phone call in the Oval Office, September 2013. (Pete Souza / Courtesy Reuters)

How J Street Misled Obama Into Netanyahu Speech Debacle

Who misled President Obama into his losing showdown over Prime Minister Netanyahu’s blockbuster speech to Congress? And how much of this week’s setback to the President should be blamed on the “progressive” Israel lobbying group...
Image of Iranian intercontinental missile taken by Israeli satelite

What’s the Diplomatic Breakout Time for Stopping an Iranian Bomb?

At the Iran nuclear talks, U.S. negotiators have been aiming for a deal that would involve a so-called breakout time of one year — meaning a deal structured so that the Tehran regime, should...

How You can Influence Policy Guidelines for the New Coalition A good look...

By April 30, 2015, it is expected that a newIsraeli government will adopt new policyguidelines for the new governing coalition. Besides Iran, the new Israeli government must cope with following challenges of the Palestinian Arab reality. 1.     ​The...

Draft International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Anti-Semitism

Introduction and Initial Action Plan Clearly, and sadly, the issue of anti-Semitism has always been and remains a major recurring aspect in the international arena and narrative. While the phenomenon is universally researched, addressed, and condemned...

[And 5 important observations] Full text: Obama Atlantic interview

#1. "Prime Minister Netanyahu said a Palestinian state would not happen under his watch" This is the SAME thing Mr. Obama HIMSELF said last week (Al Arabiya 15 May 2015): "And what I think at this point,...