Weekly Commentary: Is Hamas Deterred or Patient?

Here are the facts. You be the judge. Since the end of the war last summer, Hamas has devoted its resources – both financial and physical – on preparing to attack the Jewish State. These resources include...

Iranian Nuclear Deal Is a Win for Anti-Semitism

I suppose all hatred has an element of irrationality. Yet some hatreds are more irrational than others. For thousands of years, hatred of Jews has been unique. Sometimes acts of hatred, such as confiscating Jewish...
UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza. Photo: United Nations

Will Chris Gunness ever be held to account?

The UNRWA's spokesperson is assisting in Hamas's "dead baby strategy". This bias is intolerable and violates UNRWA's own policies on neutrality. When will this outrage be brought to an end? Christopher Gunness, spokesperson for the...

Trudeau Tells WJR He’s “Cautiously Optimistic” About Iran Deal While Kenney Says Harper Govt’s...

When Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was in Winnipeg in August to meet with the ethnic press, the Winnipeg Jewish Review asked Trudeau about his position on the Iran deal.In response, Trudeau said “…There is...

Pilgrims’ Progress

We are in the midst of Succoth commonly known in English as the Feast of Tabernacles…writes Michael Kuttner. This is one of the three Pilgrim Festivals dating from the time when Jewish pilgrims from Israel...

Obama’s Subtle Undercutting of Israeli Self-Defense

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. As he has done before, Mr. Netanyahu vowed that Israel would “do whatever it...

The Other Casualty of the Wave of Palestinian Terror

The terror attack in Tel Aviv on October 8, 2015, when a Palestinian construction worker attacked a soldier and four other civilians in the heart of the city, has potentially far-reaching implications.  This attack...

The Oracle keeps speaking

One of the definitions of an oracle is “someone who believes he is in communication with a deity and can accurately predict the future”…writes Michael Kuttner. This subject came to mind as we witnessed the...

U.S. Party Debate Reaches High Court Of Justice

While they are intent on fighting the President of the United States on his own turf, they are attempting to do so here in Israel as well:  The representative of the Republican Party in...

Weekly Commentary: Egyptian Security Role In Gaza Too Risky

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has genuine and legitimate concerns regarding the Gaza Strip. Its ruled today by associates of his arch enemy Moslem Brotherhood and provides support for the radical Islamic elements operating against Egypt in...