The Gaza Narrative: From Delegitimization to Antisemitism &title=The_Gaza_Narrative:_From_Delegitimization_to_Antisemitism Tucked away in a small building off the main street of Sderot, Israel, and just a few blocks from the Sderot Police Station and their infamous Rocket Museum, lies the home of the Sderot...

What to Do About Syria There is a strong case that can be made for doing nothing about the Syrian civil war, but a stronger case can be made for doing something relatively low-cost and ineffective, indeed, precisely what...

Haaretz: The Paper for Thinking People? Of the countless threats of Arab violence in the run-up to the November 29, 1947 Partition Resolution and in its wake, none has resonated more widely than the warning by Abdul Rahman Azzam, the...

Wilf to ambassadors: UNRWA an obstacle to peace By REUTERS The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) is one of the greatest stumbling blocks to the peace process, MK Einat Wilf (Independence) said at a meeting with 65 ambassadors and...

UN Textbooks in Palestinian Schools Strongly Anti-Israel, Anti-U.S. 33/10714-un-textbooks-in-palestinian-schools-strongly-anti-israel-anti-us Textbooks provided by the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency (UNRWA) to Palestinian schools have been found to contain strongly anti-Israeli and anti-American sentiments. Experts testified on the content of the textbooks last Wednesday...

U.S. funds used for Palestinian textbooks that preach hate ID=4&SubSectionID=4&ArticleID=16583 Palestinian children are being taught that Israelis are pigs and snakes. So said Arnon Groiss, senior journalist for the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Arabic Radio, during a congressional briefing last week. The schools these young refugees attend...

What UNRWA Should not Teach in its Schools

Member, Advisory Council on the Comprehensive study of incitement in Middle East textbooks, commissioned by the Council for Religious Institutions in the Holy Land, an interfaith association of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim leaders UNRWA is...

Former Israeli Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy: Will hizbullah get Syria’s wmd if Assad goes... FORMER_ISRAELI_MOSSAD_CHIEF_EFRAIM_HALEVY:__Will_Hizbullah_ Get_Syria's_WMD_if_Assad_Goes_Down Former Israeli Mossad Chief, Efraim HaLevy , has expressed concerns that given the increasing instability in Syria which could lead to regime collapse, Bashar al-Assad's chemical weapons could end up in Hizbollah's hands. HaLevy who...

How to make an ass of a story

As part of the annual seasonal ill will media reporting about Israel which seems to occur prior to Christmas, the New Zealand Herald published an article by Pete Wedderburn about donkey abuse in the...

The new nexus of narcoterrorism: Hezbollah and Venezuela Press stories, as well as a television documentary, over the past two months have detailed the growing cooperation between South American drug traffickers and Middle Eastern terrorists, proving that the United States continues to...